· Volunteer

Volunteer at our 2024 Rassawek Autumn Festival!

The Autumn Festival is run by our non-profit entity Rassawek Ventures. Our mission at Rassawek Ventures is to preserve traditional skills and crafts to educate and inspire our future. Our goal at Rassawek Ventures is to bring awareness around vocational education and to see the value of working with your hands. We want to show future generations that a career in trades can be a rewarding and fulfilling path to take. A portion of the proceeds from this festival will go towards creating opportunities for individuals wishing to attend a trade or technical school.

During the Autumn Festival we need over 100 volunteers to make this community event run smoothly. Volunteers are the heart of making the festival a success for all. They help us to welcome and assist our attendees in order to make this an enjoyable and safe time!  All volunteers receive one free admission to the event either before or after their shift.

If you or your group is interested in volunteering for the Autumn Festival please email Jenny at jenny@rassawek.com


Hay - Autumn Festival
Hay - Autumn Festival

Volunteer Areas


Currier Turned is setup and ready for the #rassawekautumnfestival on Oct. 19 & 20 in Columbia VA. Come out and see the newest bowls and be apart of a great festival. Please check out currierturned.com for more hand-turned, custom made wood bowls. I look forward to seeing you there. 
��©Dan Currier ©Currier Turned
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Come see us at Rassawek today! #rassawekautumnfestival #rassawekvineyard #goochland #perfectlysoy #rva #powhatanva #fallfestival #smallbusiness #shoplocalrva
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Here is the map for yal so you know where everything is! See yal soon!! weird_engraving will be in the market area outside, make sure you stop by and check it out! 🎃🍂🍁 #weirdengraving #weirdengravingllc #WELLC #rassawekautumnfestival #info
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